July 2013
Is Social Media Important for my Dental Practice?

Are you familiar with how social media can help your marketing efforts? Many dentists have not considered social media sites as an integral part of their marketing plans. However, that trend is changing. Dentists are beginning to realize that social media tools can be less expensive, faster, and more efficient than traditional marketing methods for growing their dental practice.
According to a recent survey, 49% of dentists surveyed said they use Facebook professionally and 83% use it personally. 33% of dentists use Twitter and LinkedIn. Also, almost 15% of dentists have practice videos on YouTube. By implementing dental practice marketing techniques to promote your dental practice on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social media networks, you'll be right where your current and prospective patients are.
Having a social media presence for your dental practice gives you the ability to better connect with your existing patients and prospects, and also the ability to generate new referrals. Social media is built around the concept of implied referrals. When someone “likes” a business or product on Facebook, what they are really saying to all of their “friends” is that they will like it too. Dentists have long known that the best way to grow a practice is through patient referrals. By having a social media presence, you equip your patients and friends to talk about your practice to their friends, who have other friends, who have more friends. You get the idea.
YES!!! Social Media is Important
It’s time to take your dental practice marketing to the next level. It’s time to include social media in your marketing plan. We’re here to help you get started. See our Special Offer for more details.

We've also recently partnered with MySocialPractice.com. MSP can help you make your social presence really shine. Let’s face it. Many of you may have set up a social account of some sort, but haven’t kept it current. MySocialPractice can help supply you with ideas, articles, contests, and promotions all tailored to your practice. You can do as much as you like, or let them do it all. MSP also offers a unique landing page for all things social. This is an exciting innovation that makes it easy for your patients to get a quick overview of your practice, recent blog posts, all contact information and any current promotions. Check them out at
MySocialPractice.com or call us for more information.
Want to get started with social media? Treeline Dental Websites offers custom setup services for Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, YouTube, and Google+ pages.
For a limited time, get a custom Facebook cover for $79, a savings of 50% off the regular price. Call Lyza today for information.
• It is now estimated that there are 1.2 Billion Facebook users worldwide.
• The number of YouTube page views has reached 92 billion per month.
• Average amount of tweets on Twitter per day is 190 million.
• Americans spend an average 7.6 hours per month on social media websites.